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Free trifecta racing system


1) Bet only races with 12 or less runners

2) First selection is the horse you think can win the race

3) For second, add the topweight (or equal) if it has run a place in the previous three weeks (if your selection is the top weight, use the second top weight)

4) First trifecta is your selection to win, topweight to run second and the balance of the field for third

5) Second trifecta is the topweight to win, your selection to run second and the balance of the field for third

6) Invest total is $20 - less if fewer than twelve runners (LESS IF USING FLEXIBET)

As with all gambling plans, you TRAVEL AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Try this out on paper for a month or so before you commit any hard to find $$$$ to it - good luck!!


Horse racing systems and research